Friday, July 4, 2008

Hey again, Kind of bummed out today. It's been almost a year ago that my mother passed away. The 4th of July was the last time she was at our house. It's been a hard day without her.I'm still going through all those "first time without Mom" events. Man, I knew I would miss her,we were extremly close. But I never guessed I could hurt this much. I remember her saying to me before she went "time heals all wounds" and it does but time seems to be passing fast and slow at the same time and still it hurts. I don't mean to bring you down with me but it does help a little to write my feelings down.If there's anyone out there who's feeling like me my heart goes out to you. Pam
Hi, Everyone! And a happy 4th of July to all. I hope you had a great one,a safe one.God bless and a heartfelt thank you to all those brave men and women that not only protect us here at home but the world over. May God keep you in his tender loving care,give you strength and courage and protect you always. May he do the same for all of your loved ones. Thank you to your families who sacrifice their time with you for the better good of us all. We owe you all a great debt that we know we can never repay.But one thing we can do is pray for you. And I for one believe in the power of prayer.God be with you. Love, Pam